Little Free Libraries
“Take a Book, Return a Book” is a Little Free Library (LFL) concept that you will find at six other locations around Westfield per the support of the Friends of the Westfield Memorial Library. Our first LFL started at the South Side Train station Kiosk (and is now under construction.) You can pick out a book from one the Libraries and when done reading, pass it on to a friend, return it to the same or one of the other Little Free Libraries. You are also welcomed to leave books for others to take. This creates an easy exchange to share the experience of a great book. The idea of the Libraries is based on the Little Free Libraries organization, located in Hudson, Wisconsin, that promotes the establishment of book exchanges throughout the world.
The Friends sponsor and maintain Little Free Libraries in these 7 locations around Westfield.
South Side Train Station Parking Lot – by the renovated Kiosk
Mindowaskin Park – by the back of the Municipal Building Parking Lot
Mindowaskin Park – in the playground (dedicated for Children’s Books)
Tamaques Park – between the tennis courts and the playground
Walnut Street – in the parking lot by the Elm Street Soccer field
Palstead Street – by the side of the Westfield Community Center on West Broad Street
Clark Street – in front of the YMCA
Monitored by the Friends of the Westfield Memorial Library, these libraries are initially stocked with books for all ages. As interest in the books varies so will the offerings in each Little Library. The Friends request books to be returned to one of these libraries and not the Westfield Memorial Library.